Welcome to Navigating Your Course in Blackboard Learn.

Blackboard Learn is an application called a Learning Management System, that provides students and instructors with 24/7 online access to course materials. Blackboard can be used in classroom-based face to face courses, fully online courses, or hybrid courses.

In this video you will learn basic navigation tips that will prepare you for your experience in using the Blackboard application.

First, from the My Blackboard page, click on a link for a course that you are enrolled in via the My Courses area. If you do not see access to a course that you feel you should have access to, please call Blackboard Technical Support. Information for Blackboard Technical Support can be found via the Help link, which will be detailed later in this video.

Let's focus on the main navigation menu of a course. The navigation menu on the left hand side of the page, should be consistent for most of the courses that appear on Blackboard. However, some links may not be visible in a given course, as instructors can hide some areas if they do not wish to utilize them.

Let's take a look at the first link option, entitled Course Information. The Course Information section is usually the first page that is visible in a course. Details about the course will be accessed here, including information about the instructor, the course syllabus, schedule and any related materials that are required.

Next, let's take a look at the Course Content area. This area of the course will provide access to all content materials affiliated with the course. Typical materials will include, but are not limited to, presentation files, notes, study guides, web links, videos, and other materials.

Now let's visit the Announcements section. Instructors will use this section to post any relevant information for the course that needs to be communicated, such as, updates, instructions, cancelations, etc.

Next, let's click on the Mail link. This area of the course is dedicated for communication between the instructor and the student. Instructors can use either Course Messages or Email as tools to communicate.

The Course Messages tool provides you with a familiar email like environment for communication, however unlike email, you can only access this private a secure text based form of communication by logging into your course. You can review communication from either the Inbox or Sent box that has been made available.

The Course Email tool allows students and instructors to send electronic mail via the Blackboard Learning Management system. A notice will appear that indicates when an email is successfully sent. The email is sent to the recipients email address that is registered in Blackboard. The recipient can then view the email using their regular email program application.

Now, let's look at the Discussion Section of the navigation menu. This area is designed as a collaborative space where students can post comments about a particular topic and receive feedback. This area may include tools such as a discussion board, wiki page, blog entry, journal or real time chat area.

Next, let's click on the Assignments tool. This area of the course is designated for any assignments, activities, projects, or papers that may need to be completed.

Now, let's click on the Assessments link. This area of the course is designated for any exams, quizzes, or tests that might be affiliated with the course.

Let's navigate to the Groups link. If your instructor plans any type of group activity, this area will contain any information or access pertaining to the group activity.

Now let's take a look at the Course Dashboard. The Course Dashboard is meant to serve as an alert system where each student can view their progress within the course.

Next, let's click on the My Grades area of the navigation menu. This area of the course will list any grades that you have incurred. Depending on how the instructor has set up the grade center, you may also have access to view upcoming assignments or assessments, and be able to understand their value within the course.

The last link we will review is the Help link. This link will redirect the student to the Atlantic Cape Technical Support page. This page provides information on support on the various technical platforms that the college provides. Notice the area for Blackboard Technical Support, as well as, the link for student tutorials.

We hope this short video has been helpful in detailing the navigation menu provided within a Blackboard Course.