Variations of Symmetry

as Applied to Artworks


Absolute Symmetry

absolute symmetry


Drop a line down the center. Are both sides EXACTLY the same?


Symmetrical Example


Artwork Example: Joseph Albers'

Composition with Yellow Square





Image is the same on
each side of the center line.


Approximate Symmetry

or Bilateral Symmetry


approximate symmetry


Drop a line down the center. Are both sides very similar or is the artwork populated nearly the same on both sides?


Artwork Example: Leonardo da Vinci's

Mona Lisa



Artwork is nearly

the same on
each side of the center line.


asymmetrical balance


Drop a line down the center from top to bottom. Are both sides very different?

Asymmetrical Balance Example


Artwork Example: Childe Hassam's

Boston Common's at Twilight

Asymmetry Example with Center Line


Artwork is very different on each side of the center line. The left side is more densely populated than the right side.




Radial Symmetry



Find the center of the work of art. Do the objects in the composition radiate away from the center point?

Radial Symmetry Example


Artwork Example: Rose Window, south transept, Chartres Cathedral




Artwork has a central point and objects in the composition radiate like spokes on a bicycle wheel to the outer edges.



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